Friday, November 08, 2013

It's been so long since I posted but I would say Ps. 2:8, today. Or, really all of Psalm 2:9-12, for a start. We need desperately to always remember that TANSTAAFL is a true saying.  Even with our Lord it wasn't free from his standpoint.  Imagine leaving the secure love of the Father to come down to this earth.  Rick reflects on this quite succinctly in his reflections' Story Behind the Story.  Just a short quote from that piece,
The Bible states that man was made in the image of God. There's much theological debate over what the image means: the capacity to reason, to feel emotion, to imagine, to be spiritual. I lean towards Paul's statement in Colossians that Jesus is the image of God (Col. 1:15). In other words, Jesus was the model that God used for man when he created him. Men and women were meant to be little reflections of the Son; through their gifts, through their creativity, through their service and sharing with their Elder Brother, the Son was to be shown off to the universe. And likewise, as they turned with the Son to the Father, His glory would be increased.
Oh, to increase his glory on the earth.  Is this not what a great deal of the statue in Daniel 2:44-45 is all about?  We read in Isaiah that the government is upon Jesus' shoulders and of the increase of that government and peace there shall be no end.  This will not come without a cost.  Christians are guaranteed the earth, lots of material goodies, lots of prosperity, lots of brothers and sisters, but are also guaranteed division in our own families and persecution.  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch (TANSTAAFL), and as Gary North accurately says, "you can't beat something with nothing".

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Totally incredible!

Incredibly, this is the first time I've posted on TANSTAAFL for 8 years.  I have simply been busy, however, I remind myself nearly daily of this saying.

What has happened in the last 8 years?  Well that goes back to the middle of Bush 2.0.  Bush 2.0 squandered capital on undeclared wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  This policy was continued by the Kenyan Barak Hussein and expanded into Libya and soon, into Libya.  That is merely on the military-industrial front.  What else happened?  Well a r3VOLution was born and Willard (Romney) violated his own party's rules in primaries to "defeat" Ron Paul but NOT his r3VOLution, which is actually a return to the original American Vision and Dream of 1776.  This was a vision based upon Godly principles of economics amongst other things and a resistance to tyranny, again, including economic. So there is no such thing as a free lunch for any of the following:

  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Transportation
  • Communication
  • Internet
  • Etc.
Nothing is for free.  America now is the larger debtor nation in the world.  We owe $222 Trillion in debt.  Now, the common amount you hear is 16 trillion but it is a scam.  Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare are off the table in their figures.  If added in, my figure is correct.  What does this mean?  We are OVER the fiscal cliff.  Ultimately, the Piper will receive his pay.

Now a little history lesson from a Bulgarian Texan on Economics 101 and the foundation for western culture capitalism via Adam Smith.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

My friend, Marc Cardoso, understands TANSTAAFL, having dedicated himself to creation of alternative shelters, food, fuel, fish, security,
and much more through his work at EcoGenics Research Center.

He has worked on alternative ways to get of the grid for over 30 years, sweating, taking abuse, etc. and yet he continues. He knows, TANSTAAFL "there
ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Do you?
TANSTAAFL--Did you know, that there is no such thing as a free lunch? (TANSTAAFL)? This Blog is dedicated to that proposition. Examples will be given. Book reading recommendations and / or assignments. Bascially a general discussion, thoughts and ideas on economics. No, I'm not an economist (that may be the answer to understanding economics). But I read and so should you.

A book that changed my life is Productive Christians in an Age of Manipulators.  Written by David Chilton in a debate challenge to Ronald Sider, author of Rich Christians in an Age of Culture; this book was given me to read when I mentioned the latter book.  The results: my life was changed.  Now, the great news is that you can read it now, for free as a pdf online!  Either click on the previous for free book link OR click on the book cover below or buy a hard copy from Amazon.

More later. Remember, TANSTAAFL!