What has happened in the last 8 years? Well that goes back to the middle of Bush 2.0. Bush 2.0 squandered capital on undeclared wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This policy was continued by the Kenyan Barak Hussein and expanded into Libya and soon, into Libya. That is merely on the military-industrial front. What else happened? Well a r3VOLution was born and Willard (Romney) violated his own party's rules in primaries to "defeat" Ron Paul but NOT his r3VOLution, which is actually a return to the original American Vision and Dream of 1776. This was a vision based upon Godly principles of economics amongst other things and a resistance to tyranny, again, including economic. So there is no such thing as a free lunch for any of the following:
- Healthcare
- Education
- Transportation
- Communication
- Internet
- Etc.
Nothing is for free. America now is the larger debtor nation in the world. We owe $222 Trillion in debt. Now, the common amount you hear is 16 trillion but it is a scam. Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare are off the table in their figures. If added in, my figure is correct. What does this mean? We are OVER the fiscal cliff. Ultimately, the Piper will receive his pay.
Now a little history lesson from a Bulgarian Texan on Economics 101 and the foundation for western culture capitalism via Adam Smith.
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